Do you want to eliminate the risk that comes with storing large amounts of cash on-site? Need a safe and secure way to transport assets from A to B? Well, look no further! Here at Coastal Protection Services, we provide professional and reliable cash in transit services for clients on the Central Coast and surrounding areas.
We’ll transport and deliver valuables of up to $100,000 and we’ll do so discreetly. Our security specialists travel in regular unmarked vehicles to ensure the safe and secure transportation of goods. Whether you need cash moved from one store to a bank or you need change orders delivered to your door—you’ll find the perfect solution right here at Coastal Protection Services!
From the moment your assets are collected by our security team, they’re fully insured until they are delivered to their destination. Our vehicles are all GPS fitted and our cash in transit services follow a strict verification process to ensure funds are always traceable. Discover a security team who are fully licensed and trained in risk management. Enjoy the stress-free transportation of your goods.
By taking advantage of our cost-effective cash in transit services, you will eliminate the risk associated with having large amounts of physical money at your business. We’ll customise our services to meet your specific needs, ensuring you enjoy peace of mind knowing your hard-earned money is safe!
For more information about cash in transit,
security guards or our
mobile patrols, contact us on
1300 277 937.
1300 949 994